The last issue of S:I.M.O.N. – Shoah: Intervention. Methods. DocumentatiON (2018/2), the open-access journal published by the Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, includes a section on refugees in East-Central Europe prepared by guest editors Michal Frankl and Wolfgang Schellenbacher. The articles, listed below, originate from the workshop “Refugees and Citizens. New Nation States as Places of Asylum, 1914–1941” organised by the host editors together with the Wiesenthal Institute in June 2016 (see the original programme here).
Refugees & Citizens:
- Refugees and Citizens. New Nation States as Places of Asylum, 1914–1941, introduction to the section, Michal Frankl, p. 72-77
- From Political Activism to Disillusionment Austrian Socialist Refugees in Czechoslovakia, 1934-1938, Wolfgang Schellenbacher, p. 78-94
- Jewish Refugees from Austria in the Hospitals of the Jewish Community of Pest after the Anschluss, Kinga Frojimovics, p. 95-103
- Refugees or deportees? The semantics of the first “Polenaktion” past and present, Alina Bothe, p. 104-115
The whole issue can be downloaded here.