The Unlikely Refuge? team member Ágnes Katalin Kelemen participated at the Online Conference “Anti-Jewish Quotas in Central Europe” organized by the Nationalism Studies Program and Jewish Studies Program at Central European University (Budapest/Vienna) and the Tom Lantos Institute (Budapest) between 23-24 November 2020. She gave a presentation titled “Rebels against […]
Monthly Archives: November 2020
Photo: Radek Miča, Universitas Chci vepsat uprchlíky zpátky do dějin Evropy, říká historik Michal Frankl Pro svůj ambiciózní projekt věnující se uprchlíkům ve středovýchodní Evropě ve 20. století získal před dvěma lety ERC konsolidační grant. Historik Michal Frankl z Masarykova ústavu a Archivu Akademie věd se tak stal prvním humanitněvědním badatelem na […]
Doina Anca Cretu and Maximilian Graf, members of the Unlikely refuge? ERC research project, joined the Annual ASEEES Convention, which took place virtually this year on November 5-8 and 14-15. Together with Sielke Beata Kelner (Leiden University), they formed a panel titled “Feared ‘Mobilities’: Policy, Discourse, and Experience of Migration […]
Prague, June 23-25, 2021 Organisers: Doina Anca Cretu, Michal Frankl (ERC-funded project Unlikely refuge?, Masaryk Institute and Archives of the Czech Academy of Sciences) Humanitarianism has become one of the defining features of our contemporary world, as governments, private associations, and international organizations are increasingly responding to human suffering across […]