We cordinally invite you to a public debate titled “Refugeedom: History, Present and Global Context” organized by the Dominikánská 8 cultural and educational centre (Husova 8, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic) on 13 May 2024 at 7:30 p.m.
Moderated by Daniela Vrbová, the discussion will be joined by Michal Frankl (Unlikely Refuge? ERC project), Jakub Andrle (People in Need) and Martin Rozumek (Organization for Aid to Refugees). The guests will share their perspectives on the changing refugee situations over time in light of historical events and conflicts.
In which sense is the current situation of refugees particular? What are the specificities of Jewish and Ukrainian refugees with regard to legal and humanitarian issues? How do cultural and religious aspects affect the life of refugees and their integration into society? What role do international humanitarian organizations play in solving refugee crises? The debate (in Czech) will adress these as well as many other questions.
For more information please visit the organizer’s website.